Health Benefits
In 2009 the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) – now AgriFutures Australia released a the following report:
This report makes for compelling reading when considering the health benefits of the OORAY fruit (Davidsonia pruriens).
The report states:
“Native species evaluated in this study exhibited superior antioxidant capacity as compared to the Blueberry standard, renowned worldwide as the ‘health-promoting fruit.’ In comparison to commonly consumed fruits that comprise predominantly hydrophilic antioxidants, native foods contained antioxidant activity in both hydrophilic and lipophilic fractions. This suggests more comprehensive protection from oxidative stress, and possibly more pronounced health benefits.”
In summary, the RIRDC report analysis of OORAY shows:
● an oxygen radical absorption 2.7 times the capacity of the Blueberry control
● a lutein content twice that of Blueberries
● an Anthocyanin content greater than Blueberries
● a similar folate level
● a similar Zn (zinc) level
● higher levels of the minerals Mg (magnesium), Ca (calcium), P (phosphorus), K (potassium), Mn (manganese) and Cu (copper)
● Na (sodium) levels 3.6 times lower.
The report also suggests that the OORAY samples used in the analysis may have been harvested before maturity and therefore lowered the possible levels of some nutritional components.
In 2012 RIRDC – now AgriFutures Australia, released a further report on the evaluation of the POTENTIAL PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF SELECTED AUSTRALIAN HERBS AND FRUITS.
This report contains a substantial amount of information regarding possible health benefits of OORAY.