All OORAY PLUM products are made-to-order for our existing customer list.
OORAY Refresh® the “premier OORAY drink”™ is made exclusively from OORAY Obsession™ fruit. This uniquely tasting drink is loaded with flavonoids and antioxidants and provides an instant invigorating boost.
OORAY Refresh® the “premier OORAY drink”™ is made to order for registered customers only. Our customer list is added to as more tress begin producing fruit and our current customers orders have been met.
OORAY Refresh® is now delivered as a dried powder so that customers may reconstitute the powder with water or add to any other drink or food.
A multitude of other products such as jams, conserves, infused oils and infused vinegar are also available.
Our complete catalogue is available to registered customers.
Purple Mangosteen pericarp is also available as a dried powder.

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